Thursday, July 31, 2008

Uh Oh

The back of my Suphedrine box says: Stop use and ask a doctor if you get nervous, dizzy or sleepless while taking this medication. I am dizzy and sleepless! I take 2 little red pills every 4 hours on the dot, but I don't know that the whole 2 minutes of relief I get every time I take them is worth the side effects. Then again, I am scared to stop taking them because they might be helping more than I think they are. I just got back from Walgreens where I got something to help me sleep tonight (and also some Mighty Putty), and I had to rest in the car before driving back home. Maybe I will skip my next dose and see what happens.

Another Update

While it is the correct color of paint, I still cannot sleep. Being sick is boring. There is nothing to watch on tv. I don't feel like reading a book. I am tired of lying on the couch. I have read the entire internet. Twice. I have painted my nails. And repainted and repainted till they were perfect. The cats are asleep because they were up with me all night. Aw, who am I kidding? They're asleep because they are cats, it's what they do. I can't even count on Chad coming home in 3 hours to entertain me, because it is Game Night, so he'll be home late. It seems the only thing left to do is clean up the house, but honestly, just giving Todd his pain medicine this morning wore me out and made me dizzy, so I don't see the house cleaning going so well.

Ah, Camry has just arrived on my lap and managed to mess up my fingernails and get cat hair up my nose while he settles in. Now that Camry is happy, Todd will soon wake up, sense that Camry is getting more attention than he is, and come kick Camry off of my lap. It isn't that Todd wants to be on my lap, it is just that he wants it to be available at all times, just in case! Dolly Friday will watch the whole thing with indifference and wonder how on earth she came to live in this house with such lowly creatures. Man, these cats have a rough life.

I have only managed to kill 10 minutes writing this post. Maybe it is time to try sleeping again.


It is the correct color of paint. I can now sleep.

I'm Sick

I have a cold and I am miserable. It is 3:30 in the morning and I can't sleep. Partly because I can't breathe and partly because the guy at Home Depot might have mixed up the wrong color of paint, because when I said "I want this one," he might have thought I meant that one and my mother spent almost $50 on this paint and it will be all my fault because I am the one who told the guy what we wanted! And she won't appreciate a call this early just to double check the color of the paint, so now I have to sit here and worry about it until a decent hour! And I don't know what we'll do if it is wrong. I guess I will buy it from her and use it myself, which certainly wouldn't be the end of the world to me since I like to paint, but I don't know that Chad would go for it.

I have already called in sick for today, I checked with my part time receptionist yesterday and she said she could work all day for me, which is amazing and greatly appreciated. Because, while I don't feel good, I don't know that I feel bad enough to just sit here at home when I know they are swamped at work and I would probably make myself go in and help. So since I don't have to worry about getting enough sleep tonight, all that is left to do is wait till at least 7 and call mum to double check the paint color!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Todd's surgery was this morning, it went fine. The Dr. could only find one testicle, but he found a spot that looked like someone had already taken the other one out. There was a large scar on his belly that we saw once we shaved his hair, so now we assume that someone knew his testicles were internal, so they had him declawed and neutered, but whoever did it could only find one testicle, so they just left the other one, which then got really big and had to work overtime to make up for being the only one! He also had a left molar that was broken, half was already gone, but we got the other half out too. And he is anemic, so he gets to take some vitamins for a while.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Last night Chad and I went to a rodeo to watch my boss and his sons compete, They do calf roping, anyone familiar with that? Apparently the goal is to wrap your hard, scratchy rope around the delicate neck of the sweet cow, jump off your horse, tackle the innocent baby that is running for its life, pick it up, throw it on the ground and then tie 3 of it's feet together, while it lays there, crying for its mother.
We thought he was going to be in the actual rodeo, but he ended up being in the slack, which means he had to wait until the entire rodeo was over to compete because there were so many entries that they couldn't all compete during the rodeo. There were probably 40 people in the slack, but he was near the beginning. Now my boss is actually really good at roping, and his sons are too - they win 1st or 2nd nearly everywhere they compete. But last night was not so good. The calf veered to the right after he had already let go of the rope, so it just got the calf by one of his back feet. So by the time my boss got off his horse and to the calf, he was mad. I don't think any of you have ever met my boss, but he is a big man. Like really large. I'd say an XXXL. You could easily pick him out of all the riders because he was the largest. Not like fat large, like huge large, you know? Anyway, he gets to the calf, who has probably already passed out in fear of the huge man chasing him, grabs him, slams him into the ground, ties him up and stomps out of the ring. And the cow is just laying there, crying. I could hear him crying all the way in the stands. It made me cry a little. All I could think was, "I'm so glad he isn't coming to work tomorrow!"

Let me tell you a little story

Once upon a time there was a stray cat that came into my clinic. We didn't see any testicles or front claws, therefore, we declared him neutered and declawed. He came to live at my house and his pee smelled awful - after doing a urinalysis and taking an x-ray it was decided he should drink more water. Gee, thanks for the expert diagnoses, doctors! Yesterday his Aunt Darla said, jokingly, "I wonder if he has a bilateral cryptorchid?" (Both testicles undecended). She grabs him, feels around his belly and sure enough, she finds a testicle. That's right. I have had a tom cat living in my house for weeks! No wonder his skin can bend needles! No wonder his pee smells so bad! No wonder he is so skinny! He is still a man! That is, until Tuesday.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

I'm not having a good day

I smell like cat pee, thanks to Todd and his smelly feet. I was late to work, so now my whole morning feels weird. The boss's/bosses/boss' son has been sneaking up and scaring me an average of 6.8 times a day for the past week and the next time he does it I just might have to rip his head off, boss's/bosses/boss' son or not! (I've never been good with apostrophe placement, are any of the ones I used right?) My shoulder hurts, probably due to all the scaring.

Do any of my readers watch "So You Think You Can Dance?" I loved Katee and Twitch's routine to "Mercy," it was so good! I'm not a huge fan of Will, but I really loved his solo. I think it will be Mark and Comfort leaving this week - I won't be sad to see Comfort go. (Again). I have liked Mark from the beginning, ever since his solo to "Bohemian Rhapsody" but I will admit he isn't as good as the other guys.

We went to the Royal's game tuesday night - it started raining pretty hard, so we sat and watched the rain for a while, and he finally said we could leave. It was crazy, we have never left a game early before! Then Chad went to yesterday's game and we are going again on Sunday - I'm really not looking forward to Sunday's game, it is going to be so hot!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


-I was so tired when I woke up that I kept peeking out of the shower to look out the window and make sure the sun was coming up because it felt like the middle of the night.
-Going to the Royal's game tonight - Chad gets mad when I sleep at the games, but tonight I might not be able to help it!
-"Grandma's Feather Bed" by John Denver is on the radio right now - I know two of my readers know the song and I wouldn't be surprised if John does too - it's a good one!
-Fell asleep on the couch during my lunch break - only for about 10 minutes, but maybe it will help me get through the afternoon.
-I just scheduled a time for a potential employee to come in for an interview. I will have a good attitude about it and I won't dislike her before she even starts. I won't!

Monday, July 21, 2008

Like: Blogging
Dislike: Not having anything to blog about
Dislike: Nickels. And it is getting worse - I dread counting the cash drawer at night because I know I'm going to have to count a bunch of nickels. Weird, huh?
Like: Google Reader - I don't know what I ever did without it - any other fans out there?
Dislike: Callouses on my hands - I'm not a hard worker, the only thing I do with my hands is type - so what is with the callouses?
Like: Having a Walmart so close to home! I believe I'll be making a Walmart run on my lunch hour.
Dislike: Clients who think that complaining about prices to me is going to make a difference in their bill.
Dislike: Clients who don't shower.
Dislike: Clients who think scraping their dogs teeth with a pocket knife is a good idea.
Dislike: Clients.
Like: My pink Garmin hoodie - it is keeping me warm in this meat locker we call work.
Like: "Simply Lemonade" lemonade - it tastes really good, but unfortunately, one serving has as many calories as a can of Dr. Pepper.
Dislike: Clients who don't shower. (He was here a long time, I had to put it twice).
Like: Brad Paisley - I'm excited to go to his concert on August 1st!

Monday, July 14, 2008

I bought this mirror at "The Front Porch" in Spring Hill.

I really like it, it is one of my favorite colors!

This is Dolly sitting with her babydoll.

This is Dolly abusing her babydoll.

She isn't a very good mother.

This is Todd's new collar.

He loves argyle, he gets his style from me.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

A is for age: 24.5
B is for burger of choice: Cheeseburger
C is for what kind of car you drive: a little red bug
D is for your dog's name: I don't like dogs in my house. Or my yard.
E is for essential item you use everyday: hair straightner
F is for favorite TV show at the moment: Wipeout. Ohmygosh, the announcers are so funny!
G is for favorite game: Mario Kart.
H is for Home State: The big MO
I is for instruments you play: Piano, Trumpet
J is for favorite juice: Cranberry
K is for whose butt you'd like to kick: People who say "We" when they are talking about a dog. "We were so brave!" Really, both of you were? Did it take a lot of courage to trim that dog's nails? Or do you mean that the dog was brave? I'm just confused, because you said "We."
L is for last restaurant at which you ate? Chipotle.
M is for your favorite Muppet: Miss Piggy
N is for Number of Piercings: Two, but kinda three. Both ears, and then I used to have an earring at the top of one ear - I took the earring out over a year ago, but the hole is still there.
O is for overnight hospital stays: None for me, stayed with mum one time.
P is for people you were with today: Chad, work people.
Q is for what you do with your quiet time: sleep of course!
R is for biggest regret: Probably something about college. Should have gone to one with a better selection of majors, or should have been more social.
S is for status: Married
T is for time you woke up today: 6:00 am.
U is for what you consider unique about yourself: I think I am a better faker than most people - I can fake good moods, having a good time, being comfortable in large crowds - I can fake being nice to clients when I would really love to just throw the stapler in their face and walk out.
V is for vegetable you love: Zucchini
W is for worst habit: Worrying, procrastinating
X is for x-rays you've had: Teeth, ankle at least once.
Y is for yummy food you ate today: frosted flakes for breakfast, hopfully something yummy for lunch if I ever get to leave!
Z is for zodiac: Scorpio.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Squemish? Stop Reading.

Is it bad that one of the coolest things I've ever seen is a dead animal?

When an animal dies or is euthanized, most owners choose to have it cremated - I guess the city frowns on people having pet cemeteries in their backyards. Anyway, when we have an animal to be cremated, we call a company who comes and picks the animal up. A man from the company came this morning to drop off some ashes and said he was having a busy morning because he had a Siberian tiger in his truck.

I have a friend who volunteers at the large cat sanctuary that is near here and she had mentioned that one of the tigers had been having seizures, so I asked the guy if the tiger had been having seizures. He said that yes, it was the same tiger and it had been euthanized yesterday and he picked it up this morning. So naturally, I said I was going to need to see it.

Earl, (the tiger), was wrapped in a tarp, the delivery guy said it took four people to get him into the truck. He was really beautiful. Most people won't ever get the chance to see a tiger up close, dead or alive, so I took a good look! Seeing Earl is now at the top of my "Cool things I've seen at work" list.

4th at Joe's House

Bilbo came, he doesn't like to be left out.

Chad playing croquet.

Chad likes to pretend he is a model, so I helped
him out by adding a little sepia effect here.

This is Chad's Uncle Joe - he is shooting off a
firecracker "gun" - notice the streamers in the air?

Poor Karen, croquet is hard work.
Also notice how beautiful Joe's backyard is!

Monday, July 7, 2008

Hair Ball

This is Camry posing with our 4th cat. His name
is Hair Ball. He only shows up after the other 3
cats get brushed, and he never hangs around
very long because he is scared of the vacuum.

Chad's Birthday Party

Dad always knows how to make the ladies laugh.

Tim, Kim, John and Chad

This is how dad spent the party.

Working on my car. Thanks dad!

John is terrified of cameras.

Dolly is such a show off.

Todd loves Darla.

Todd loves dad.

Todd loves Eva.


I have had a disgusting morning. I was peed on, anal glanded and chewed on, all before 8:30, and all by the same nasty little dog. - I don't know if any of you have ever had a dog express their anal glands on you, but it is one of the nastiest things I have ever experienced. I would rather be peed on a million times than be anal glanded. I had to go home and change my clothes, and while I was home I found a pile of kitty poo in the bathroom. The human bathroom, not the cat bathroom. And when I got back to work, I stepped in dog poo. It has been an awful and stinky morning.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Happy 4th!

Tomorrow we are going to Chad's uncle's house for the day. I just remembered that I promised to bring cheesecake and tortilla roll-ups, so I guess that it what I'll be making tonight! I want to find a fireworks stand to buy some sparklers, but I haven't seen any in town and I don't know that it is worth the drive to the country just for sparklers. Work has been great this afternoon. Both of the doctors have left for the weekend, so I am just catching up on stuff that needs caught up on. Like blogging. I hope everyone has a fun and safe holiday!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008


I have never been so happy to have solved a problem as I am right now. I shall celebrate with a piece of blackberry pie. And by printing lots and lots of labels and receipts, just because I can!