Monday, April 28, 2008


Good grief, what a dramatic morning we've had here at the animal hospital. Drama is the reason I left my previous job, so I'm not very tolorant of it. Everything seems smoothed over now, maybe he just woke up on the wrong side of the bed. The lazy side.


1/4 cocker, 1/4 poodle, 1/2 pug - they look very pug right now, but the other breeds might show up more when they get older.

Party Pictures

Saturday we went to Chad's Grandpa's 80th Birthday Party.
Olivia works on her abs.
Chad's artistic shot.

Daniel "The Monkey" Shipps
How did Chad gets his knees up that high?

Getting the stare-down from my in-laws.

Look at how small my phone is.

"Who me? Ornery? No!"

We used red cups.

Chad and his Grandpa Delbert.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Tonight's Royals Game, by the numbers.

Number of runs by the Royals: 8
Number of runs by the Blue Jays: 4
Number of clothing pieces I wore in an attempt to stay warm, excluding unmentionables: 8
Number of times Chad claimed he could sing "Oh Canada" better than the professional who sang it before the game: 2
Number of times Chad practiced singing the only 2 words of "Oh Canada" he knows: 6 (Do I need to tell you which 2 words he knows)?
Number of times the girl sitting directly in front of me was hit with a baseball: 1
Number of times Chad said the word "Gload" (as in Ross Gload, a Royals player) instead of "load": at least 10. ("The bases are Gloaded." "Lock and Gload. " And the list goes on).
Number of times I tried turning the camera on to make sure that, yes, I did bring it all the way into the stadium with a dead battery: 5
Number of times Chad suggested a Blue Jays player was probably from the planet Krypton: 1
Number of times Chad claimed he would be a better announcer than Mr. Announcer Man: 2
Number of text messages sent/received before the game got interesting: 6
Number of times Chad said my blog was stupid: 1
Number of things we can do with our tickets from the game: 3 - get $10 off at Dicks, get a free sundae at Sheridan's and get a cheap turkey sandwich at Planet Sub. I'm going for the sundae.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Who doesn't know that being nice gets you more in life than being nasty does? I thought it was common knowledge that if you need something, then be nice to the person who answers the phone, because they hold all the power. Being rude does not make them want to do you any favors.

Dear Client,
Please do not yell at me just because you finally realized you are an idiot. You run a daycare and your dog was due for a rabies vaccine over 2 months ago. The Great State of Kansas frowns upon that, and you know it. I am completely booked today. But even if I wasn't, I might pretend that I was, just because you were so incredibly rude to me. I am booked for Saturday too. Yes, I am still full today. Yes, ALL DAY!! You know when I wasn't booked? The day the dog was due! In February!
The All-Powerful Phone Answerer

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Overheard at the Animal Hospital

Kennel Worker: "I can't come to work this afternoon. I think I have the stomach flu."
Me: "If by "stomach flu" you mean "It's a crazy nice day outside and I don't wanna work flu," then I have it too, but you don't see me calling in sick, you big fat faker!!

Friday, April 18, 2008

Last night we saw Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed. It was interesting. I wish I had seen it when I wasn't so tired, I'm sure I would have learned more. Although, Ben Stein's voice is so very, very soothing, it's hard to stay awake when he is talking, no matter what the situation.

My car is in the shop for the 3rd time this week. Hopefully it will be done by lunchtime so I can go grab a bite to eat, otherwise I guess I'll have a protein bar, for the 3rd time this week. See the connection?

I'm glad it is Friday, even though I have to work tomorrow. I don't think we have any plans for the weekend, besides the usual, eating Chiptole, sleeping on the couch, catching up on tv, Church. I just mowed the yard on Wednesday, (and can still feel the pain in my hands and arms!) so thankfully that won't be hanging over my head all weekend. Although with all this rain, it might need mowing again by Sunday!

Update: Thanks friend, for bringing me a sandwich! My belly appreciates it!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


I am borrowing this idea from Kim.

Dear Part-Time Receptionist,
Please stop snapping your gum, it is driving me insane and it is unprofessional. No, "one and one fourth" doesn't equal "1.4." You're an idiot. Stop being so incredibly nosy! Haven't you noticed how the more questions you ask me, the less I say in response? You don't need to know everything about everybody!
Your Boss

Dear Car,
Why do you hate me? Why are you so loud all of the sudden? You are a delicate little Bug, not a drag racer and the entire town doesn't need to hear when I am accelerating. Please try to keep it down.
Your Owner

Dear Co-Worker,
Why did you call him?! He is not good for you!! I can't stand the way he treats you. I lecture you because I care.
Your Friend

Dear Clients,
I cannot emphasize this enough. If you do not have enough money to care for a pet, don't get one! We can't change our policies just because you don't have any money. I honestly do not understand why you would have a pet that you can't provide care for. It is impossible to feel sorry for someone who is so irresponsible. Also, do you just walk into a pharmacy and expect them to give you prescription medicine without having a prescription? Do you just call your doctor and expect them to write a prescription for a problem that they haven't even seen you for? Of course you don't. So don't expect us to either.
The Office Manager.

More to follow as the day continues.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Wednesday's Walk

Wednesday had a few hours of beautiful weather, so I took advantage of it and went for a walk.

First stop:

where I spent $75. Don't do drugs, they're expensive!

Next stop:

Where I returned some books and got "Murderball," a documentary about wheelchair rugby. It was pretty good!

Last stop:

Where I got a candle for my friend's birthday. This is such a cute little shop, I always find something new that I can't live without.

And finally, back home,

to sit with my favorite fraidy-cat.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008


Eternal pessimist (thanks dad) who is trying to have a better attitude (thanks mum).

What did you want to be when you were little?

I don't remember - Probably a teacher, that was before I realized I hated children.

What surprises you about your adult life?

That I'm 24 and still don't feel like an adult. When does that start?

What's the one thing you'll never understand?

Football. And I don't want to understand it either, so don't try to explain it. And puppy mills.

What is the craziest thing you ever did for love?

Get married. How crazy was that!?

What scares you?

Change. Being poor. Change. (It is so scary it deserves to be mentioned twice).

What's your favorite possession?

Tiffany necklace from mum. Diamond earrings from Chad. Oil painting of a picture taken on our honeymoon.

What celebrity crushes did you have as a teenager?

Devon Sawa! Andrew Keegan!

Something I've been struggling with lately is...

Using my CPAP machine.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Rain, Rain, Go Away!

I have never liked rain. People who say they love rain/storms/thunder are silly and they are lying, no one likes them. Except farmers, they probably aren't lying. Anyway, I have never liked the rain because it makes my hair curl, and I like it even less now. Dogs smell bad. Dogs smell waywayway worse when they are wet. On rainy days, my entire animal hospital reeks of wet dog. Even the dogs who wear raincoats stink. Yes, I have dogs come in wearing their raincoats.

Saturday, April 5, 2008


A couple of Mandy's Haircut, it looks great!

Camry is always very scared when he goes to work with me! And Dolly is acting bored for the camera. Notice her haircut? She doesn't look like a lion anymore.

And one more, just because he's funny!