Tuesday, August 25, 2009


My name is Bessy.

(Messy Bessy).

I live in Chad & Katie's bathtub.

I've been told I cannot live in the bathtub forever though, so I guess I need a home.

Like Chad & Katie's living room?

Friday, August 14, 2009

Dan - My dad is a manly sort of man who likes to be lifted. He went halfsies on it with a guy from work so they could both do manly things, like replace windows and gutters and stuff.

John - If I tell my dad you are also a manly man I'm sure he will allow you to rent it for cheap. Or for expensive. I'm not really sure what he would charge. However, he lives an hour and a half away from you. So I guess if you want to go that far just for a man lift you probably can.

Everyone (besides my 3 regular commenters) - I am disappointed that the man lift is getting more interest than my new car. No, you can't all make nice comments about the car now because I will know you are only doing it to make me feel better. You have missed your chance.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Dad's Toy

Dad bought a man lift. Bad lighting in these photos, sorry.

That is me. Way up there.

Dad said I would get a nose bleed. I said if I can jump out
of an airplane, I'm pretty sure I can handle your man lift.

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Pictures from Home

Jack has a freakishly long tongue.

Dad has a stylish hat.

Dad and Chad have a conversation about bike helmets.
Consensus: Good

Karen has a cool "Welcome" sign. Courtsey of Yours Truly.
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