Friday, July 25, 2008

Let me tell you a little story

Once upon a time there was a stray cat that came into my clinic. We didn't see any testicles or front claws, therefore, we declared him neutered and declawed. He came to live at my house and his pee smelled awful - after doing a urinalysis and taking an x-ray it was decided he should drink more water. Gee, thanks for the expert diagnoses, doctors! Yesterday his Aunt Darla said, jokingly, "I wonder if he has a bilateral cryptorchid?" (Both testicles undecended). She grabs him, feels around his belly and sure enough, she finds a testicle. That's right. I have had a tom cat living in my house for weeks! No wonder his skin can bend needles! No wonder his pee smells so bad! No wonder he is so skinny! He is still a man! That is, until Tuesday.

1 comment:

Mandy said...

And according to a story I heard from mom, now we know why he was SOOOOOOOOOOO interested in poor abused Camry.....