Friday, October 31, 2008

My best friend's dad died yesterday. I'm very sad and I don't know how to make her feel better.

Today is Halloween. Being the huge fan of children that I am, I plan on keeping the house as dark as possible and hoping nobody asks me for any candy.

Chad and I went to Joplin last weekend to see some of my family that was in town from California. The kids were huge and super smart - I was asked my favorite color and I was able to answer that with no trouble (blue). And then I was asked my favorite shape. Not only do I not have a favorite shape, but I'm pretty sure it was the first time I've been asked that question. I said I was a fan of the triangle.

I had someone from where I used to work call and ask me for a job yesterday. This is the 2nd person to do that. It was awkward - if I didn't know her, I would probably think she was a pretty good hire - good backgroud, experience - however, I do know her and I doubt she would change her style of work enough for me to hire her. The enviroment here is just so much different than where I used to work, I don't think she could adapt.

Plans for this weekend include the funeral tomorrow at 1, and not much else.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

One Month Notice

My birthday is in one month. I will be celebrating while at the same time not getting older. Which means I will be turning 24. I like Tiffany jewelry and Coach bags. Consider yourselves notified.

Awana, Week 8

Ohmygoodness, It is only Week 8! We are only 1/4 of the way through the year! My 2 most dramatic girls were absent last night, and to be honest, it was kind of nice. Another girl has become a leech. And another girl made me a Thank You card and told me she really appreciated me being her leader. I guess they aren't all bad.

My parents are in New York visiting my sister and I'm very upset that they are all having a good time without me. Although they can't be having that much fun since I'm not there. I'm the life of the party you know.

Today is Boss's Day - I bought mine a bunch of chocolate and made everyone sign a card for him. Although we could get away with doing nothing because every year he is like, "It's what day? Boss's Day? I didn't even know!"

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

I ended up just painting the outer edges black. Chad and I are both happy with the way it turned out. Thanks for all your votes!
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Monday, October 13, 2008

The choice is clearly black or white.

I had decided against doing this, but then Chad opened his big mouth and got people all excited about voting,
so now I have to.

This is what our closet looked like on Sunday morning. Notice the hole that is our laundry chute. Also notice that Chad's clothes are on the right where there are 2 racks, and mine are on the left where there is not only one rack, but the rack is a foot shorter that the ones on the other side. That's right, he has more clothes than me. Mandy, please notice dad's awesome, plaid shirt/jackety thing on the left.
Love that thing.

This is what our closet looks like now. Yes, the back wall is black. It clearly needed painting, and instead of painting it white like the rest of the closet I decided it would be fun to paint it a color, and Chad decided it would
be fun to insist on black.

So the question is:
Option 1: Leave the shelves white.
Option B: Paint the shelves black.
Option III: Paint only the outer edges of the shelves black.

Right now I am voting for just the edges.
If you read my blog you are required to vote. I know who you are and I will know if you do not vote. I'm not cool enough to have an actual voting device thingy so you must leave a comment with your vote and I will count them up old-school style. Also, please vote ASAP as I would like to stop spending every spare moment in my closet. It's kind of small and has now become quite depressing.
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Saturday, October 11, 2008

Todd says Hi

He thinks you look very nice today.
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Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Elvis is in the building!

His adoring fans

He sang "Johnny B. Goode"

Charming the audience

Rockin' out behind the Communion Table

He used a guitar from "Guitar Hero" because he didn't want to risk breaking a real one.
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Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Another One

Dear Doctor,
I know there are 500 charts to be filed. I KNOW. Do not stand there and alphabetize them and then leave them to be filed by someone else. In the time it took you to put them in alphabetical order you could have just been filing!! Alphabetical order does not help me. Filing helps me. File or don't touch the files. That is all.


Dear Clients,
I know you like me. I even like some of you. But believe it or not, I am not the only person here capable of helping you, (even though it seems that way sometimes). It is not necessary to ask for me when you need to make an appointment. Anyone who answer the phone will be able to help you.
The Office Manager, not the Receptionist

Dear Elderly Client,
I find your recent purchase of two yorkie puppies irresponsible and inconsiderate. Irresponsible because you bought them at a garage sale on a whim for $1000. Inconsiderate because someone is going to have to take care of these dogs when you die/move to a nursing home in 2 years. So when you look at me with hope in your eyes and ask if I think you got a good deal, all I can do is change the subject because no, I do not think you got a good deal. I don't think you have any idea what you have gotten yourself into.
The young girl who knows what she is talking about

Dear Rain,
What is with all the rain? I am not wearing rain appropriate shoes today. You are making this day cold and dreary and depressing. I think you are even making my head hurt.
Curly-Haired Katie

Dear Purgatory Mountain,
I will see you soon.
In Anticipation,
The Ski Bunny

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Amy's Wedding

I didn't have time to take very many pictures yesterday, but here are a few.

Me and Dad

Amy and Erik

The other two bridesmaids, Brie and Jessica.

The Flower Girl, Olivia.
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Thursday, October 2, 2008

Awana, Week Blah & Boring

No one was very motivated last night, including me. One girl had to go talk to the Commander because she had such a bad attitude. My group has won the points award for 3 weeks in a row (for memorizing so many verses), but I'm sure last night broke our winning streak.

In the "Things to look forward to" catagory: Next week Chad will be portraying Elvis in a skit about "adoration." Right now the plan is for him to lip synch to an Elvis song, (Heartbreak Hotel?) while all the women scream/swoon/throw panties. If I have time I might make a "We heart Elvis" sign. Hopefully I can also get some pictures.