Monday, October 13, 2008

The choice is clearly black or white.

I had decided against doing this, but then Chad opened his big mouth and got people all excited about voting,
so now I have to.

This is what our closet looked like on Sunday morning. Notice the hole that is our laundry chute. Also notice that Chad's clothes are on the right where there are 2 racks, and mine are on the left where there is not only one rack, but the rack is a foot shorter that the ones on the other side. That's right, he has more clothes than me. Mandy, please notice dad's awesome, plaid shirt/jackety thing on the left.
Love that thing.

This is what our closet looks like now. Yes, the back wall is black. It clearly needed painting, and instead of painting it white like the rest of the closet I decided it would be fun to paint it a color, and Chad decided it would
be fun to insist on black.

So the question is:
Option 1: Leave the shelves white.
Option B: Paint the shelves black.
Option III: Paint only the outer edges of the shelves black.

Right now I am voting for just the edges.
If you read my blog you are required to vote. I know who you are and I will know if you do not vote. I'm not cool enough to have an actual voting device thingy so you must leave a comment with your vote and I will count them up old-school style. Also, please vote ASAP as I would like to stop spending every spare moment in my closet. It's kind of small and has now become quite depressing.
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Mandy said...

While I cannot visualize just the outer edges being black I like them being all white. I think the outer edge might make it look a bit "zebra-ey" but that's just me. I like the white shelves a lot tho!

Mandy said...

And yes I noticed the plaid jacket, how did you come to snitch that??

KT said...

Hmm, I see the point about the zebra. The reason I was thinking of painting the edges black was that it might make the shelves blend into the wall a little more without EVERYTHING having to be black, you know? I guess I could paint one side of the edges and if I didn't like it I could flip the shelves around so the black didn't show. Or maybe I should just start from scratch and paint everything blue! or pink! or purple!

Josh said...

White, all white.

Anonymous said...

I like the idea of black edges and would try one out and flip it like you said if you don't like the look. If you are going to keep one color or the other I would keep the shelves white. I think black shelves would make the closet too dark.

Does dad know you have his jackety thing? ha.


Anonymous said...

My vote is white shelves for sure! Edges maybe, I think I would try it and see how it turns out on one before I do them all tho.

Anonymous said...

The bottom and outside edges should be black to create the illusion of suspended two dimensional planes that disappear when viewed from below and reappear when viewed from above.

(If this option does not win there should be a re-vote with my option explicitly listed so that it has a chance to be considered by the voting public.)

Anonymous said...

I like John's idea too!

Kimberly Ann said...

I vote white. #1 That mean you're done with the project. #2 It connects that wall with the rest of the room. It makes all the walls "go together" even though they don't "match".

Anonymous said...

John has my vote, it's just like politics, vote for who sounds the most intellegent!