Monday, April 27, 2009

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Today I saw some super classy stuff.

At the Royal's game I saw a woman dunk a pacifier in her beer and then stick it in her daughter's mouth.  The little girl (less than a year old) had clearly tasted beer before and reached for her mother's glass to get some more.  The mother laughed.  Super classy.

At church I saw a girl in her prom dress, prom hair, and prom makeup.  Did she come straight from prom to church?  Did she go home in between?  Was prom three weeks ago and she just felt like getting all dressed up again?  No clue.  But I consulted Kim on the matter and neither of us would have ever considered wearing our prom gear to church.  Not even my crown.  Cause, you know, I was prom queen.  I was super classy.

This morning I saw Dolly Friday in the yard.  I was feeding the cats and hadn't tripped over Dolly yet, which meant she had body-slammed the screen in the kitchen window till she got a hole big enough to squeeze through.  So I put on some clothes and flip flops and ran outside with wet hair (that was the super classy part) to look for her.  She hadn't gotten far and she was very unhappy when she saw me, there was lots of growling.  So I flicked her on the nose and brought her inside to eat her breakfast.

Edit: Chad says I shouldn't write about the girl in the prom dress because this is going on the internet where anyone can read it.  While I doubt very much that prom dress girl reads my blog, let me just clarify that I have no problem with her wearing a prom dress to church.  It was just different from anything I'd ever seen at church and thought it was an interesting choice, not a bad choice.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

In the last 30 minutes...

-I got a call that the motion detecter had gone off at work and could I go up and check things out?  That'd be great, thanks.  Don't worry, a cop should be driving by at some point.  

So I went up, turned off the alarm, took a look around, left, drove around for a few minutes, went back by, talked to the cop who was looking in the windows, offered to let him in, he didn't want in, came home, started watching The Office and typed a sentence with more commas than were really needed. 

In the past 24 hours...

-My boss fell 18 feet off a ladder, landed on a fence and broke 5 ribs.
-I called approximately 32.4 billion Relief Vets, trying to find someone to work next week, eventually getting most of the week covered.
-I talked to 14 thousand clients who had all found out about the accident, but didn't feel they knew enough so they called to talk to me.
-I listened to approximately 29 hundred stories about "the time I! broke my! ribs! It was horrible!"
-I rewired the entire electrical system in the hospital.
-Actually, the entire town was without power (right in the middle of a bladder stone surgery) for a while and I had to fuss with the computers to get them up and running again when the power came back on.

I can't wait to see what tomorrow will bring.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Thanks for the Memories

Yesterday a client told me I should try to find a job that required lots of memorization because she thinks I have such a good memory. She is one of those people who doesn't come in very often and she seemed really impressed that I remembered her name. While I do remember many of my clients, I didn't have the heart to tell her that the only reason I remember her is because I think her last name would make a great boy's name! (Whittaker - Whit for short. Adventures in Odessey? Anyone!?)

Thursday, April 9, 2009

The Ting Tings were awesome. It was the perfect length, they didn't play a bunch of songs I didn't know and it was over by 8pm. "Hot Tub" was the opening band, and while it wasn't exactly my style of music, I was still impressed with their performance.

An elderly gentleman in a tweed suit jacket elbowed his way to the front with his grandaughter? wife? escort? Who knows for sure - she could have been anywhere from 15-50 years old. But the way he was kissing her indicated she was more of a date than a relative. Anyway, I spent the entire concert paranoid that this man was going to pass out and I was going to have to perform CPR. He was sweating profusely and his hearing aids looked like they might explode. I don't think he had a very good time.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Just Kidding, That's Totally My Name

Chad switched our tickets to the early show. So now I get to leave work an hour early and be awake through the whole show and not want to die tomorrow when it is time to get up.

A shelter cat had 4 kittens last night. No, we didn't know she was pregnant. She was pretty cranky, so no one had examined her yet. There is one torti and three orange.

That's Not My Name

Ting Tings concert tonight. They go on stage at 11:30. So the plan is to go straight to bed when I get home from work and then Chad will wake me up when it is time to leave. Hopefully the nap will allow me to stay awake through the concert.