Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Just Kidding, That's Totally My Name

Chad switched our tickets to the early show. So now I get to leave work an hour early and be awake through the whole show and not want to die tomorrow when it is time to get up.

A shelter cat had 4 kittens last night. No, we didn't know she was pregnant. She was pretty cranky, so no one had examined her yet. There is one torti and three orange.


Anonymous said...

Will we get pictures? I was crabby too at that point!


p.s. didn't have to match some weird phrase to publish this!

Librarian_MJ said...

No, I was not ignoring you, I swear. I didn't see until late yesterday afternoon that you'd texted or emailed because I haven't really had time to do anything other than breathe when I'm not on the desk at work. I'm so sorry! But we should all get together for dinner one night or something, if you guys want to. That'd be totally fun!