Friday, February 27, 2009

Remember the boy who was gone from Awana's for a few weeks? Well he has been there the last two weeks. The first week back he told Chad he wanted to be his Pen Pal. So Chad gave him our address. And this is the letter that came:

"Dear Mr. DeShon,
Hi. I hope your having a good time? I don't have a lot to say but I only tell my best friends i'm a picies. (Pisces?) Can I call you Chad insteade? I wish you were my dad.
If your wife found this then its ok if you read it to her. I think your the best leader ever.
P.S. Should I write in cursive?"


Anonymous said...

I need a kleenex!!!! What good people you and Chad are to give your time to these kids! You are putting stars in your crowns!

I love you! MUM

Mandy said...

awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! how sweet is that! You are good to these kids!!