Wednesday, February 4, 2009

I love it when...

-People who come get their dog out of the pound don't bring a leash and refuse to use the leash I offer them. "Oh, she'll stay right with me. She's a good dog, she won't run off!" Right. The Animal Control Officer just came and took her out of your yard, right?

-Clients are nice to me. Yesterday a client who is a flight instructor gave me her card and insisted I call her when the weather warms up and she'll take me for a ride in her plane that has a front and back seat. You know what I mean? Like this, I assume. She seemed really sincere, so maybe I'll do it sometime. Without jumping out of the plane.

-I am trying to make an appointment for someone and I say "When is good for you to come in?" And they say "Anytime!" and then I name 57 different times, none of which are good for them! So by "Anytime!" they actually mean "Never!"

-The printer runs out of paper, the stapler runs out of staples and the tape dispenser runs out of.....wait for it.....tape, that's right, tape, all in 3 minutes during the busiest time of my day. How does that even happen!?

-The boss man tells me about the "Smokin' Hot!" nurse practitioner he saw last week! Talk about an uncomfortable work situation.

-Having blood pressure competitions with the boss man and having mine be consistently higher than his. AKA: Winning.

-Having clients with no sense of humer walk in while all our employees are standing at the front desk taking their blood pressure.

1 comment:

Mandy said...

I don't think you should be winning that competition, your link works fine, I can't figure out what a dog needs w/ a "lease" and you need to go flying - that would be awesome - Gpa would be jealous.