Sunday, February 24, 2008

This day is trying to tell me something.

I have never wanted kids. Lately I've been thinking that kids can't be all that bad and maybe we should just have some and get it over with. But everything that has happened today has reaffirmed my belief that kids are evil. It seems like all I ever hear about is how awful kids are, how they have bad attitudes, how much work they are, how they drain the life out of you, how they take all your money, etc, etc, etc. But if it's that bad, why do people keep having them? Is it really as horrible as people make it out to be? Mum? Could I get some feedback here? Anyway, after all that has happened today, I am going to try to stop thinking about parenthood for a while. Surely, when the time is right, I will stop dreading kids and start looking forward to them. Right?

P.S. I am stoked to be the best aunt ever though, so Mandy, this is your cue!

1 comment:

Mandy said...

Ha! You've forgotten something - I feel about kids the same way you do 90% of the time. I have recently decided that babies are acceptable and even a little cute. However I still have a sincere desire to send them to a boarding school from 18m to about 17 years old. Josh says that's not a good idea so we'll see....