Thursday, March 18, 2010

Uh Oh

Am I that girl that has a blog and never updates it? I fear that I am. Crap, I hate that girl.

I am at work with an hour to waste before closing time. Today has been absolutely beautiful. Snow is expected on Saturday. Boo.

The Pet Peeve of the Day has been: Poop. Why are people so scared of their pet's poop? We deal with it all day everyday and when I ask someone to bring some for a fecal test, they act like I am asking them to take a bath in it or something - all you have to do is put it in a ziploc bag, people!!

Then, if they manage to get close enough to it to put it in a bag, they bring it in here, holding it as far away from them as they can and shake it at me - "Take it, take it, take it!" Are you kidding me!? Do you not poop scoop your yard? Does your pet never have accidents in the house? There is just something about them having to actually travel somewhere with the poop that skeeves people out. And I am just about sick of it.

Well, enough about poop for today.

1 comment:

Mandy said...

Well you know if you travel too far from the original home of the poop, it does tend to explode, coating anyone and anything in the 10 foot radius......