Thursday, July 16, 2009

Today is a very slow day at work. I have had a headache for 2 days that can't make up it's mind. Does it hurt really bad? Does it hurt just a little bit? Does it hurt in my neck? Does it hurt behind my eyes? It doesn't know.

There are 3 more hours of working left, then I will go home and make the always fantastic Steak Bites and Crash Hot Potatoes, courtesy of The Pioneer Woman. My grandpa is delivering my quarter of a cow sometime tonight and he has never been to my house, so I guess I should clean up a little bit.

Chad and I saw "The Hangover" last night with some of his friends from work. It was one of the funniest movies I have ever seen. No mom, I don't think you should watch it. But it was funny.

The boss man is gone for the rest of this week and all of next week. He left me an envelope with some cash in case we needed supplies or something while he was gone. He wrote "Katie's Slush Fund" on the envelope - My first thought was "like a slush from sonic?" Or is "slush" an alternate term for something that I don't know about - like drugs? Not sure. Any opinions?


Tim James said...

slush fund - (n) refers to a monetary allocation, usually in an untraceable, liquid form (i.e. cash) which can be used 'at the discretion' of the person or persons in control of the fund without the need to itemize the expenditures or account for spending in any way. Typical uses of slush funds are for bribes, payouts, dishonest political maneuvers, and other typically unsavory practices. When used in the context of a medical office (such as a veterinary office or private clinic), the slush fund is often used to 'keep people quiet' or prevent malpractice lawsuits by under the table settlements.

Anonymous said...

I want Steak Bites recipe please! MUM

KT said...

Tim: you are so smart! Unfortunately I spent it on clinic stuff before I knew it was for me personally.
Mum: click on "steak bites" in the post, the link will take you to the recipe.