Thursday, January 22, 2009

Awana - "Bring a Parent"

Last night was "Bring a Parent" night at Awana. We only ended up with one parent in my group, and she split her time between her 2 kids, so it wasn't really as bad as I was anticipating. There is a boy in Chad's group who is always the last kid to be picked up. Every week we sit with him and wait and we discuss how he will go home and tell his mother that we dismiss at 8:15, not 8:30 (as he previously told her). It never happens. So last night Chad wrote him a note to help him remember and pinned it to his t-shirt. We even helped him plan what he was going to say - he would start by calling a family meeting of all people who would ever have an opportunity to pick him up. Then he would say, "Attention, ATTENTION! Awanas gets out at 8:15! Katie and Chad are tired of sitting with me for 20 minutes every Wednesday night. Especially tonight, because they wanted to go home and watch Lost!" And as John was getting into the car to go home, we heard him yell, "Attention, ATTENTION!" So maybe she'll finally get the message this week?


Mandy said...

Good idea on practicing w/ him, hopefully it works...

Anonymous said...

That is such a great idea! MUM