Tuesday, November 11, 2008

A Treadmill!

Guess what was waiting for me when I got home last night? If you can't get this, there is no hope for you. Go ahead, read the post title again. That's right, it was a treadmill. With one of those huge bows on it. I've never had such a huge bow, I don't know what I'm going to do with it! It will need to be incorporated into my decor in some way. But there was also a treadmill, the exact one that I wanted! Thanks John, for giving up your lunch break to help transport it.

The cats all have an opinion. Todd is completely against all exercise, so he is ignoring the treadmill, but he is a huge fan of the cardboard box it came in. The first thing he did was lay on it, like "Finally! A cardboard box! I've been looking for one of these ever since I moved into this house. They keep making me sleep on couches and beds, but don't they know? Cardboard is way more comfortable!"

Dolly thinks she might use the treadmill some. She was pretty scared when she was standing on it and it started moving, but I think she'll get used to it. Her girlish figure is starting expand a little, so she would like to start walking for 3 minutes at least every other month to work on that.

Camry is very excited that the treadmill came with some rubber bands. He is easily amused. Like his mother, who was more excited about the bow than the treadmill.

As most of you know, I love putting things together. It is very satisfying to have something in a million pieces and be able to arrange them to make a bookshelf, or bike, or treadmill. However, I've never had to put a treadmill together before. The first thing in the instructions was a phone number to call to have a professional put it together. I didn't think that was a very good sign, but sometimes I tell people I am a professional puter-togetherer, so I went ahead and did it myself. It was the most difficult thing I have ever assembled - looking back it doesn't seem that bad, but there were some frustrating times. It is still sitting in the middle of the living room - I hope to get the guest room cleaned up enough tonight to put it in there. Pictures to come.


Mandy said...

Yay for gifts, surprises and BIG BOWS!!!!!!!!!! How awesome is that?!?!?! I'm sure Dolly's 3 min's bi-monthly will be a great help to her figure, one shouldn't sweat too much you know - might make her tail frizz! :-P

Anonymous said...

I hope it fits through the doorway, or maybe....it would be good if it doesn't, then you would have to take it apart and put it together AGAIN!

Love, MUM

ps, what color was the bow?

Anonymous said...

That is AWESOME!!!! Good deal. I am glad you got what you were requesting (notice I didn't say wanting, because you really wanted a Coach bag). Have a great birthday!


Josh said...

You are putting it in MY room!?!

KT said...

Mum - The bow is red.

Mandy - Dolly doesn't sweat, she glows.

Brenda - I saw someone today with the very Coach bag I want - It made me want to return the stupid treadmill.

Josh - it's not like you're using it.

Librarian_MJ said...

Congratulations on the new addition to your family! I signed up for a blog on this site today as part of a class, but I think I'm going to keep it. I added you to my list of blogs I follow. Yay!


Librarian_MJ said...

Thanks, KT. Now all I need is a really huge bow to go with it...