Thursday, September 18, 2008

AWANA, Week 459,972,331

Awanas was a little crazy last night. My co-leader was home sick, so while I had a lady helping me during handbook time, the rest of the night was up to me. I have a problem with the other leaders. Usually it is the kids that annoy me, but last night I realized that if the other leaders would actually lead and supervise and participate then the kids would be under control and therefore, less annoying! I always sit with my group during the lesson time and make them stop talking, confiscate notes, etc. Most of the other leaders just sit in the back, and even those who sit with their groups don't seem to be making them behave. Am I doing it wrong? Am I supposed to let them do whatever they want? Sometimes I feel like I'm turning into my father, "Act Right!!" Mandy, can I get an Amen?


Mandy said...

Amen!! Maybe they need a mtg w/ a "mississippi squirrel"!! Get them excited again. Use your "death glare" on all children and non-supervising adults - then I'll call you Daddy!

Anonymous said...

You're doing it right, I'm sure of it. My sister teaches Kindergarten, maybe she could give you some pointers. Great blog, by the way.

Tim "get's eaten alive by the kiddies in large groups" James

Anonymous said...

Wait a minute! I thought I was a "Bad" parent too???? Not in dad's catagory maybe, but still...


ps, you know you are right and the other people are wrong...they just don't want to make the effort to do it correctly.