Sunday, September 12, 2010

Our friend Tim

PS - Tim, I was completely distracted by the baby and did not comprehend your cartoon story. Please retell it at our next meeting.

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Anonymous said...

I want to hear the story too!

Love, MUM

Tim James said...


So, Katie, I thought of you the other day while playing 'DoodleTag'. What's that? Oh, 'DoodleTag' is a doodling game where one person draws a 'doodle' and the other person 'tag's it by completing the picture however they see fit. Me and my College Roommate Kevin have been doing it over the years and the results can be found here:Tim-n-Kevin Doodle Tags.

So we recently started doing 'DoodleTags' with our walk email group at work. Here's the results of the Walk Group DoodleTags.

Well, I thought of you when I drew the most recent one, as I made it into a scorpion, and my fear of scorpions made drawing and looking at it scary. So I thought of you and certain 8-legged creatures and/or robotic cylons.

So don't be too scared, or something.

End of story.