Monday, April 26, 2010

A List

1. I am either sick, or have the worst allergies ever. Yesterday I started not feeling great and by this morning I thought my face was going to explode. I still can't hear anything out of my right ear and am very congested, yet also have a runny nose. I feel like crap.

2. Camry has decided to start watching Law & Order at 3:00 in the morning. Loudly. Last night we woke up to a booming voice, "IN THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM..." Chad got up to see why the TV was suddenly on, and found Camry sitting next to the remote on the couch. Sorry buddy, but we only watch TV during awake hours.

3. Chad is going to St. Louis this weekend for a board game convention. You should have heard him making a hotel reservation for "Geekway to the West" - it was hilarious. Whoever he was talking to couldn't understand him, so he kept saying "GEEKWAY TO THE WEST" louder and louder and finally ended up spelling it. G-E-E-K-W-A-Y... it was awesome.

4. I worked 55 hours last week. That is 15 too many.

5. There are two stray cats who think they live on my porch. Probably because they are living on my porch. I do not feed them. I do not pet them. I spray them with a water bottle and yell at them to go away like a crazy old lady. And yet, they remain.

6. Did I mention the stray cats are lovers? Well they are. They are loving each other on my front porch and pretty soon there will probably be lots of little kittens who think they live on my porch and then what am I supposed to do!?

1 comment:

Mandy said...

Hey - not the cats fault that word has gotten out. Probably Dolly planned this last time she escaped. Maybe you should introduce them to the great dane next door?