Thursday, June 26, 2008

A client just made me so mad that I either had to go in the back and cry or stay up front and rip her head off. I went with crying, but I am still really mad and I'm thinking that if I had ripped her head off I would be feeling better by now.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, you would feel better it you had ripped her head off. But then you would have a mess to clean up. You know that no one else would clean it up. So yup, you would be stuck with the clean up. You made the best choice even though you really would have liked to have inflicted physical harm.

:-) Brenda

Josh said...

What happened?!!!

KT said...

Josh, she was condescendingly rude, which is so much worse than just plain rude.

Mandy said...

I thot that's why you called ME so that you didn't have to do that! I'm sorry you still had to cry - I agree w/ Brenda - but then sometimes the cleaning up is worth it!