Sunday, May 18, 2008


Yesterday we went to Amy's college graduation. I got up at 4:30am, because we were planning to leave the house at 5:45 and I didn't want to make us late. At 5:40 I was just finishing my breakfast when Chad came into the kitchen and asked what I thought he should wear. Needless to say, we did not leave the house at 5:45. But we were meeting his parents so we could all ride together, and they always leave late for these types of things, so we were actually at the meeting place before them. 3 hours later we were in Springfield. Baccalaureate was at 10, then we moved out all of her stuff, went to lunch, then to graduation at 2:30. Then we sat around for a while, went out to eat and came home, arriving about 10pm. It was a long day, but I'm glad we went.

Today we went to church, then to lunch with friends, then we came home - I was taking a nap in the bedroom where Chad had set up a box fan in the window. I heard a noise, sat up and saw Camry scrambling into the house through the window. Dolly had knocked the screen out of the window and gone outside. Camry had followed her, but something, (probably just being outside), had scared him so he was trying to get back inside and knocked the fan out of the window. So we went outside to find Dolly and she was behind a giant bush and would not come out, even for a cookie, so Chad had to go down to the basement and grab her through one of the windows down there. I must admit that while I would prefer that neither of the cats ever set foot outside, I much prefer looking for Dolly in the daylight instead of at midnight like we have had to in the past.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are VERY patient with your new family's "lateness" gene. I am impressed!

It's not something I could handle nearly as well as you do.