Monday, March 17, 2008

Rain, Rain, Go Away

This was a very lazy weekend for me, why couldn't it have rained then? We watched the entire first season of "Dexter," it was awesome. Serial killers have fascinated me ever since I took a class about them at college. Has anyone else seen the show? It is about a guy (a cute guy, of course) who works for the Miami PD and is a serial killer. But he only kills people who deserve it. Like other killers. Well, all this rain has given me writer's block, so I guess that is all for today. Oh and please pray for my family, my great-uncle is about to die, esophegeal cancer. He will be the first of "The Aunts and Uncles" to go, I hope it doesn't start a trend.

P.S. I just spell-checked this entry and I spelled "esophegeal" right!


Anonymous said...

Haven't seen the show. Sounds kind of interesting though. Maybe I will need to check it out.

I am praying for the family. Safe travels and no trend, especially.

Hope you have a great week! :-)


Mandy said...

I hate that show (go figure since you love it.) It gives me the creepies. Of course so do the words "Oh, I just killed a spider" from the man standing at Amber's desk 3 feet from me. YECH!!