Thursday, February 28, 2008

Drip Drip Drip

The leak is fixed! Thank goodness, because turning the water main off and on every time I needed water was getting pretty old. It was outside, so I wonder how long it had been leaking before we noticed? I hope our water bill isn't crazy high this month. We had friends over for dinner last night, Cat #2 embarrassed me, as usual. She insists on smelling people, sitting on their laps during dinner, walking right up to them and then running away when they try to pet her as though she is abused! And Heaven forbid the conversation be about something other than her for 5 seconds, because then she meows pitifully until everyone turns to look at her. Then she runs away, presumably because we looked at her. Seriously, it's embarrassing.

On a different and more expensive note, I need this.


Mandy said...

What LEAK!!!!!!!

KT said...

outside spigot, just a little one.

Anonymous said...

Very cute purse! Glad you got the drip fixed too. The cat story is too funny. Thanks for making me giggle.
