Friday, April 25, 2008

Tonight's Royals Game, by the numbers.

Number of runs by the Royals: 8
Number of runs by the Blue Jays: 4
Number of clothing pieces I wore in an attempt to stay warm, excluding unmentionables: 8
Number of times Chad claimed he could sing "Oh Canada" better than the professional who sang it before the game: 2
Number of times Chad practiced singing the only 2 words of "Oh Canada" he knows: 6 (Do I need to tell you which 2 words he knows)?
Number of times the girl sitting directly in front of me was hit with a baseball: 1
Number of times Chad said the word "Gload" (as in Ross Gload, a Royals player) instead of "load": at least 10. ("The bases are Gloaded." "Lock and Gload. " And the list goes on).
Number of times I tried turning the camera on to make sure that, yes, I did bring it all the way into the stadium with a dead battery: 5
Number of times Chad suggested a Blue Jays player was probably from the planet Krypton: 1
Number of times Chad claimed he would be a better announcer than Mr. Announcer Man: 2
Number of text messages sent/received before the game got interesting: 6
Number of times Chad said my blog was stupid: 1
Number of things we can do with our tickets from the game: 3 - get $10 off at Dicks, get a free sundae at Sheridan's and get a cheap turkey sandwich at Planet Sub. I'm going for the sundae.

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