Monday, March 3, 2008

"Sore" does not begin to describe it.

Yesterday we went for a walk. A 9.2 mile walk to Chipotle. It was the worse experience of my life. It started out ok, and when I thought we were almost there, it turns out we had only gone two miles. It rained on and off a little at first, but I was wearing a hoodie, so it didn't really bother me. But around mile 6 or 7 it started raining a lot more and the sky got really gray and cloudy and I knew I would never go on a walk with my husband again. This was all his idea by the way. My left foot started burning at mile 2. I felt the blister develop around mile 5. A nice man offered us a ride around mile 6 and Chad turned him down. I took some ibuprofen before bed and sat in the hot tub for a few minutes and this morning I wasn't really that sore. But now it is 2:30 and it's getting worse. I can't even imagine how I'm going to get out of bed in the morning. Can I call in sore to work? The burrito that awaited me at the end was good, but so not worth the walk. This is a link to our route, it may or may not work.

If it does work, notice that our max speed was 5.4 mph. That was at the very end when I ran up to the restaurant. (I like to finish strong).

Hi Brenda, I'm happy to have another reader. You are number 3! I can already tell that I'm on my way to having the most popular blog ever.

1 comment:

Mandy said...

Maybe you should have minded your mommy and called your SISTER to come GET YOU!!!!!!!!!! You would have torn my head off if I'D gotten a blister doing a 9 mile walk b/c my husband wanted me to!!